
Posted by alluthus at 3:24 AM on 8/6/2020 EST:

the release of memory lane (deluxe edition) is finally done and over with. i don't think i'll be making another full-length album for awhile. i was happy to be able to release in major digital stores for the first time, but the outcome of the release was kinda <i>depressing</i>.

it's true the tracks use quite a bit of garageband loops, but even then it took me six months to create tracks for the release. the other "competition" records in a completely different genre and uses a much fancier daw (digital audio workstation), so it is kinda unfair for me to compare my release to theirs but they still managed to perform better in numbers.

obviously, i'm not some music star, <!-- looking at you laph -->but this was one of the first few projects i was actually able to complete and it seems my expectations were set too high. my lack of advertising outside stibarc, the genre the record was composed in and the delays with the release in certain stores may be of reason.

i haven't entirely given up though.

not real sure of what to do or what the future stores for what i make. i have tried a lot of things and it just hasn't worked out that well.

for now, i am still here, managing the stibarc social media accounts and providing design improvements when possible.

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Disappointment isn’t uncommon, unfortunately. I found that with the release of Gravity. I guess my only advice is to do what you enjoy based on the process, not just the results :)
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