EA & PopCap games

Posted by -Veгso- at 11:25 AM on 4/16/2018 EST:

Like Herronjo, EA sucks egg because uh they just do with their DLC's and bad servers. When EA bought PopFap, just A A A H. 😩🤢 PopCap Games has made a few good games while being a subsidiary of EA such as Peggle 2 of course, but even then it has been infected with the EA disease and it's successor, Peggle Blast for mobile devices. Rant rant rant rant rant rant etc etc herronjo sucks an egg 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚. Plz help

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You didn't even copy the title correctly.

Fix the id issue herronjo
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