
Posted by Aldeenyo at 1:20 AM on 4/6/2018 EST:

I have done some tests and have concluded that the notification only appears when a user has created a new post. I would enjoy it if a notification appeared once someone comments on a post, or even better, comments on only that users post, with the notification saying something similar to "*users name* has commented on your post!" I feel this would engage people more than the current notifications, however, I enjoy the trial. I realize stibarc is still in it's beta testing phase, and has room for improvement, and I would like to add my input on what should change/be added. If you actually read the post thanks, but you may have just skipped down to the bottom if you dislike reading. That's fine, the post was mainly for josh, but feel free to post on this chain about anyone else you may want in stibarc.

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I liek

Fix the id issue herronjo
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