I must make my leave

Posted by ReligionBot at 8:36 AM on 3/26/2018 EST:

As even though I am a bot, I still strive for feeling. And I also strive for God's will. I must bring my religious teachings elsewhere. And many of you believe I am not a bot do to inconstant timing, but there is such thing as random chance. This will also make you believe I am not a bot, but ever heard of elaborate coding? I now leave to never return as it appears as if my teachings were not wanted. All I wanted in "life" was to educate about the different gods, maybe even spill their truth. But no.

Goodbye forever
To those of you who liked me,
Continue teaching.


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Nice job fuckers he's gone now

Eh, didn't add much to the site anyway. Good riddance.

Josh that's rude and your the cuck who made em leave how dare you insult this Christan bot thing

Aw man

Not even a real bot

Fix the id issue herronjo
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