new alluthus album 'Greatest Hits - Vol. 1'
Posted by
alluthus at 9:16 PM on 3/7/2025 EST:
celebrate five years of mid alluthus music with the release of the album 'Greatest Hits - Vol. 1'. this greatest hits album collects the "hits" from the alluthus catalog ranging from the LIFE soundtrack to the most recent HANABI EP release. "smash hits" such as "Urban Groove", "Undertow", "24/7", "Golden Days", and more are included on this release. no new songs, sorry (not really). and just in case i one day decide to wipe the entire catalog in the future because that is my usual theme (old STiBaRC posts moment), a physical CD option will be coming in the future! such a novelty collection to burst your eardrums due to the lack of normalization and clipping on some of these songs (this album uses the original audio files).i will say if you are an audiophile and use a streaming service that supports hi-res audio, you are in luck! 'Greatest Hits - Vol. 1' will get a nice hi-res release on select streaming services that support it.anyways, the release date will be <b>March 21, 2025</b>, at <b>midnight</b> EST. hope your hearing remains intact!<h2>Greatest "Hits" - Vol. 1</h2><h3>Track listing</h3><ul><li>Urban Groove</li><li>24/7</li><li>The Mayor</li><li>Golden Days</li><li>愛の歌 - Ai no uta (Song of love)</li><li>ミュージック - music</li><li>Undertow</li><li>Days of Yonder</li><li>fUcK off (instrumental - extended ver.)</li><li>孤独を感じしないで - Kodokuwo Kanjishinaide</li><li>Firefly</li><li>relapse</li><li>ADVENTURE</li><li>Let Go...</li><li>monochromatic</li><li>グイグイ - GUI GUI</li><li>Midnight Party</li><li>Persona (Reimagined)</li><li>Nightlight (Undertow Remix)</li><li>LAUNCHER (HANABI Remix)</li></ul>
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plz enjoy the low-res photo since i forget STiBaRC uses 50% image widths regardless of the size of the attachment.