celebrate holidays with "The Christmas Collection"

Posted by alluthus at 4:34 AM on 12/13/2024 EST:

The Christmas Collection will be released on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. keeping up with the theme of using pre-recorded samples, this release entirely uses the Holiday Jazz pack from BandLab. unlike any other previous Alluthus release, I did not perform <i>any</i> MIDI instruments at all 😔 shocker (not really). GarageBand lacks in the festive department and i have been wanting at least one holiday release the last few years but at the same time i have been a bit busy with work and don't have much time to really spend hours making and editing a track so i essentially just "made" these up with the sample pack in like 30mins lol.

@herronjo has made the album cover art. it depicts him, sophie and i celebrating the holidays! it honestly is more creative than the tracks themselves since i just meshed sample packs together and didn't add any original recordings to them at all. plz listen to at least see the wonderful art herronjo made for it. pre-add page: <a href="https://found.ee/thechristmascollection">https://found.ee/thechristmascollection</a>

one song, "Joyful & Merry" has been released already. see if u can replicate it on BandLab, bc i think all i did was a key and BPM change to it! lol

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For those concerned about perspective, we're just REALLY far away from the tree, and the tree is REALLY big
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