CTFGuide is shutting down.

Posted by pranav at 2:15 AM on 4/1/2024 EST:

Dear CTFGuide Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the closure of CTFGuide. Over the years, we have been incredibly proud to serve as a resource and community for cybersecurity enthusiasts, professionals, and beginners alike. Your passion, engagement, and contributions have made CTFGuide a vibrant and dynamic platform, fostering learning and competition in the field of cybersecurity.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts and the unwavering support from our users, we have reached a point where it is no longer feasible to maintain and update the platform in a way that meets our standards and serves our community effectively. This decision was not made lightly, and we have explored every possible avenue to continue our journey together.

Key Dates:

Effective Immediately: We will no longer be accepting new registrations or content submissions.
04/02/2024: The website will become read-only. During this period, we encourage you to download any resources or content you wish to keep.
04/04/2024: CTFGuide will officially go offline.
We understand this news may be disappointing, and we share in your sadness. We encourage you to take this time to connect with fellow members, share memories, and perhaps coordinate on where the community can reconvene in the digital space.

FAQ and Support:
For more information, including detailed instructions on how to download your data and answers to other questions you might have, please visit [FAQ and Support Section on Our Website]. Our support team will also be available to assist you throughout this transition.

Looking Forward:
Though CTFGuide is closing, the spirit of learning, collaboration, and competition it embodied does not have to end. We are hopeful that new platforms and communities will emerge, continuing to advance the field of cybersecurity. We encourage you to keep engaging, exploring, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

In closing, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to all of you. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and contributions have been the heartbeat of CTFGuide. We are honored to have been a part of your journey in cybersecurity and will carry the memories and experiences with us into the future.

Thank you for everything,

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