Posted by
herronjo at 7:50 PM on 2/13/2018 EST:
Introducing STiBaRC|Columns, the closest thing you'll get to subreddits! at (app coming soon), you can now test this amazing doohickey! It has 10 columns to choose from, each you can post into. None of the columns have a topic, and that's for a reason. You get to make the topics!
Note: Your current STiBaRC account will work on STiBaRC|Columns. Any account created on STiBaRC|Columns will also work on normal STiBaRC.
˄ 0 ˅ 0
Oh, and P.S., there's no posts there yet.
App is out:
but why is the icon identical
Because I have no new icon to use
Fix the id issue herronjo