STiBaRC Redesign - An Update

Posted by isaacshea at 2:46 AM on 6/20/2020 EST:

Hi again all,
It's been a while since I've done an update, but I figured now is a good time as any to do so.

If you're unaware, we have a new branding now finalized for STiBaRC! Take a look at the attachment to see it. It's a modern re-envisioning of Jimbo specifically for the logo. We'll still be keeping the other version of Jimbo that was created at the beginning of the redesign as a mascot and such.

A dark theme is also coming along! It's a bit janky at the moment, but for the most part it's implemented.

We have many more changes planned to come, but we're more or less nearing the end of the front-end aspect of the site, which you can now view at

We might have a version of the new STiBaRC ready by fall 👀

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Cool! :)
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