is scratch complete crap

Posted by itselijahciali at 3:22 AM on 6/8/2020 EST:

I remember leaving Scratch during a time where it was a real crapstorm but I've heard it's better now. I might occasionally make tutorials about stuff but I don't know if the website sucks still

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cloud still sucks ass. the vector editor has improved some, but exporting certain svgs just crashes the editor as a whole. I've just been using it to advertise lol. sunsetly though has made a return to scratch.

I mean importing

it's OK
i have been noticing people make their game on scratch but have their own scratch server deployed so their projects can have stuff like better multiplayer and chat

In short, its worse. Mahalo.

@pranav checkout buffex (its a project I made)

Worse for sure
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