Jola Development Update

Posted by getjola at 11:49 AM on 12/14/2019 EST:

Hi, everyone.

The last week I focused on tidying up the website. Navigation used to be really confusing but this has been patched.

Settings & User Search have been moved to the more tab. The User Search is no longer done directly when you click a tab but instead it redirects you to the user search page.

The settings page also got a refresh. You'll notice an empty box called "Privacy Settings" - a small hint on what is to come.

You'll also notice that the Job Search is slowly taking shape - it's not ready to be used at but you can have a sneak peak at it for now.

The Jola Feed is going to be discontinued soon - we find that it is not as important and we should be focusing on development rather than creating content for a feed.

Footers are also going to be redone - so please make do with the current ones.

Also updates will no longer be done through Discord - infact that server has been deleted. We'll now be using Stibarc to update everyone.

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If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to leave them down here!

So why did you delete the discord server again... You could of kept it a staff and investors server.

@benben3963 Jola Staff are still utilizing Discord - but rather than having an entire server - we just created a group DM. The main reason was that decisions could be announced without much though being into it, and it just isn't the place for a educational community.

And as for investors, we have none.
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