3rd anniversary for verso

Posted by alluthus at 3:38 AM on 11/29/2019 EST:

three years ago today, i started to practice graphic design. i didn't know how to design a website or how to code. to this day, i am still learning, but i am grateful i took the challenge to learn these things.

a lot of things have happened since then. some good, others not so much. i have met many different people these three years and i'm extremely thankful to still be in contact with most of them to this day.

though i still haven't officially released life as a game back in 2017 or create it's comic variant this year, i have to thank you all for your patience with me. i've procrastinated so much with the project and finally when i was able to overcome it, something obviously had to get in the way of me not being able to complete it. my current project is getting these set of writings completed to share to the world sometime next year

thanks for your support everyone!

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