Turn off microphone access for Google app

Posted by Bunnbuns at 2:35 PM on 9/6/2019 EST:

I noticed my new Pixel phone 1 I got off eBay kept draining fast and got a bit hot, but mostly while at school.
(When I get home it lasts longer and doesn't get as hot.)

I wanted the Google Assistant to not respond with voice when it's locked and after doing some research I found out it's not possible to just have it when unlocked. It's either all the time or gives a notification to turn it back on if "Ok Google" is said (when locked). That means it still "responds" to "Ok Google" even when off.

I realized today it probably gets hot and dies more at school because there is more noise and it's trying to tell if "Ok Google" is said through it.

So I turned off microphone access for the Google app (Google Assistant) and it <b>hasn't dropped a single percent after an hour and is cold</b>.

It does suck that I can't use the Google Assistant with my voice anymore, but I'd take battery life that lasts more than 3 hours over that.

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How odd, I can disable it on all of my Android devices.
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