I'm making an animated ship next year and I want your ideas

Posted by Ogelbeh at 10:00 AM on 5/9/2019 EST:

I've been looking at ships and thinking about how I can make them interesting.

Tell me your ideas

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make it have references to STiBaRC like eggs. also, make it have a smaller ship inside a deck that can jump out and attack enemies or distracts them, idk.

No Stibarc jokes, this is my Senior Project worth a large chunk of my grade and I want it to be really cool

Idea that I'm a fan of currently is a modified Gallivat being used as a Fireship with a Pampan on either side for escaping. A Man of War would be cool too, and I want the fire to burn green from copper

Out of time cant say maco

Make it structurally stable. If you have a mast, check how many ropes are used to support it.

Ship Hermione and Ron
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