ok how

Posted by ModernFeelGames at 11:16 AM on 5/7/2019 EST:

how do i include client information when making a post?

like the Posted using (Insert Client)

˄ 1  ˅ 0

On your post.js, add this to the window.onload function:
if (stuff.client != undefined) {
document.getElementById("client").innerHTML = "<br/><br/><i>Posted using " + stuff.client + "</i>";
document.getElementById("client").style.display = "";

Then have a <span id="client" style="display:none"></span> on post.html

Note that these client tags work only on clients registered with the tag stuff.

If you are trying to have a client show in the posted using <client> section, you will have to register that client with me. The information is not sent with a postpost.sjs request, and is actually collected server side depending on your URL

@herronjo oh oof

@ModernFeelGames I just need the client URL
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