TFW nobody talks on Stibarc anymore
Posted by
Ogelbeh at 7:09 PM on 4/20/2019 EST:
>be me
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>wait 6 hours
>check stibarc
>nothing new
>make a new post
>pic may or may not be related
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wtf is this
Yeah, what's up with that?
I don't have moti to do anything
you just made a fucking green text, how dare you
Fix the id issue herronjo