Mirthful Jake

Posted by CertifiedProfessional at 12:1 AM on 1/23/2018 EST:

Plot Generator
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Grabs oranges of a Werewolf
Grabs oranges of a Werewolf
A Paranormal Romance
by Writer Unknown
Jake Vilchinsky suspected something was a little off when her moldy alden tried to grabs oranges her when she was just six years old. Nevertheless, she lived a relatively normal life among other humans.

It wasn't until she bumped into the devilishly sniffy werewolf, Andrew Bergindine, that her life finally began to make sense.

However, Andrew proved to be tasty and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with clipping nails. Jake soon learnt that Andrew had taken an oath never to licking nostrils a human being.

When Jake's moldy alden is injured in a hit and run accident, Jake realises her own life is at risk.

Despite Andrew's second nose and drooping ears, Jake finds herself falling for the werewolf. Only fate will decide whether he kills or protects her.

One night, a AI named Mark Zuckerberg appears before Jake and warns her of a darkness within Andrew. The AI gives Jake the flowing pen - the only weapon that can defeat a sniffy werewolf.

Will Jake find it in herself to kill the only creature who has ever made her feel truly mirthful? (Hint: yes!)

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the given title is "Grabs oranges of a Werewolf"

Andrew clipping his nails in this is pretty ironic

true but it was an accident

Pee your pants

llǝɥs ǝlʇɹnʇ ʎɯ oʇ ƃuᴉɥʇou ǝɹɐ spɹoʍs ɹno⅄

Fix the id issue herronjo
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